Quick Links: Term Dates | School Times | Enrolment | Uniform | Stationery | Lunches | Ready, Set, GO! | Visitors | Before & After School Care | Policies & Procedures | Music | Sports | School Donations
TERM 1 - MONDAY 3 FEB TO FRI 11 APR (Public holiday: Waitangi – Thurs 6 Feb, TOD 28 Feb)
TERM 2 - MON 28 APR TO FRI- 27 JUNE Public holidays: King’s Birthday – Mon 2 June and Matariki Fri – 20 June.
TERM 4 - MON 6 OCT TO WED 17 DEC Public holiday: Labour Day – Mon 27 Oct

Children are not to arrive at school before 8am unless they are enrolled in before school care. Children who arrive before 8:30am are to wait outside out school library.
Please note: before 8:30am teachers are involved in meetings and preparation and are not available for supervision.
If you wish to uplift your child during the school day, please report in person to the office and sign them out. Students are not permitted to sign themselves out.
**Any children arriving after the music has played are to sign in at the front office and uplift a late pass.
8:15am Gates open
8:30am Music plays - children can enter classrooms
8:55am Music plays - Block 1 starts 9:00 am
10:30am Break 1 followed by Read and Feed for 10 mins
11:05am Block 2 starts
12:30pm Break 2 followed by 15 mins Read and Feed
1:20pm Block 3 starts
3:00pm School ends
Reremoana School has a Ministry of Education approved enrolment zone. All students who live within the home zone boundary are entitled to enrol at the school. Please see here for our enrolment scheme.
“All the area of the Wattle Downs Peninsula south/south west of a line that runs from the southern boundary of the Acacia Cove retirement complex in Wattle Farm Road, across the Wattle Downs Golf Course to the point at which it’s north eastern boundary meets Carnoustie Drive. The zone includes all houses in Fergy Crescent, and houses in Wattle Farm Road south of and including Nos 154 and 155, all houses in Blackwood Drive, all house in Pinehurst Place, and all houses in Carnoustie Drive, south of and including Nos 35 and 48."
We are only enrolling students who live within the ‘home zone’ of our enrolment scheme unless we are advertising out of zone places. We are obliged to inform families that the Board of Trustees has the right to annul the enrolment of any students where false information regarding residency has been given.
You will also be asked to provide two forms of proof of residency (originals please) , one of which needs to be a utility bill (eg power, water, rates, landline/internet). Birth certificates are also essential. We will take copies of these and return the originals to you. The board of trustees must be assured that your child meets the requirements of an in-zone resident. If providing two forms of residency within zone is an issue we invite you to please make an appointment to meet with the principal.
When enrolment documentation is completed and your child begins school, we request records and information from your child’s previous school. You may wish to inform them that your child will be leaving.
Our uniform is supplied by Uniform Works, and can easily be ordered online.
Every Wednesday afternoon from 3-3:30 p.m. or Thursday morning from 8:30-9 a.m. you can try sample uniform pieces on for size. Come to the office and you will be directed where to go.
We do not have a specific change over for winter and summer uniform, although school hats are compulsory in term one and term four. Caps are for students in Years 4 to 8 only. Some items are exclusively for our Year 7 and 8 students.
Our full uniform policy can be found in School Docs (see below) and the Uniform Guidelines can be found here
Stationery lists are updated annually, and can be viewed via the Office Max link. Packs are easily purchased through Office Max, although families are welcome to purchase the specified items anywhere.
For Health and Safety, all visitors to the school, including parents, are to sign in and out at the school office upon arrival.
Under the Covid Protection Framework, we require visitors to scan in using the COVID tracer app, and to follow any other additional sign in requirements to whatever level we are in.
We outsource our before and after school care to Ultimate Kidz. Sean and Lisa have been running our out of school programmes since we opened in 2006.
To make an enquiry, please phone 021916677 or email Ultimate Kidz.
Ezlunch orders are made online through your myKindo account.
Sushi Lunches can be ordered through Kindo on Wednesdays and Fridays, and Pita Pit is available on Thursdays.
Reremoana School worked with SchoolDocs to create a website for our policies and procedures and we continue to use SchoolDocs to maintain, update, and review our policies. SchoolDocs provides us with a comprehensive core set of policies which have been well researched and follow the Ministry of Education National Administration Guidelines. The policies and procedures are tailored to our school, and the school supplies specific information such as our charter, and procedures for behaviour management, reporting to parents, etc.
SchoolDocs updates, modifies, or creates policies in response to changes in legislation or Ministry guidelines, significant events, reviews/requests from schools, and regular reviewing from the SchoolDocs team. Our board of trustees has the opportunity to view changes/additions and comment on them before they are implemented.
In addition to classroom programmes, families are able to enrol their children into music lessons run by itinerant teachers.
We currently offer piano, guitar and a range of band instruments.
For more information please contact Karien Fourie karienf@reremoana.school.nz.

The sporting culture at Reremoana is particularly strong.
We provide a wide range of sporting opportunities within classroom programmes, and also field teams for a range of codes which compete within our local sports cluster. This includes netball, hockey, orienteering, rippa rugby, cricket, swimming and volleyball. It is not unusual for our teams and individual athletes to qualify for and place in regional competitions.
We also participate in the AIMS Games (for intermediate aged students) annually.
Children of all ages can join our of school teams. We field netball teams in the Auckland schools competition on Tuesdays, basketball on Fridays and hockey on Friday/Saturday (depending on age).
Our annual athletics and cross country days are school wide calendar events that we really look forward to. For more information please contact Karien Fourie karienf@reremoana.school.nz
The school donation is a voluntary payment to the school, it is tax deductible for families and will be used to enhance student learning and the opportunities we are able to offer our students.
Our Board of Trustees annually reviews and sets a school fee donation which it believes is reflective of our school community.
Donations 2023:
No of Children | If paid in term 1 | If paid after term 1 |
One child | $195.00 | $225.00 |
Two children | $330.00 | $380.00 |
Three or more children | $460.00 | $530.00 |
2024-2025 Strategic Plan
Schools need to create long-term and annual plans based on what we hear from our community and what our data (such as achievement data) is telling us should be prioritised. Through our plans, schools are required to ensure that:
» every learner at the school can achieve their highest educational standard
» the school is a physically and emotionally safe place, ensures students’ human rights are upheld and takes steps to eliminate racism, stigma, bullying and other forms of discrimination
» the school is inclusive of, and caters for, learners with different needs
» the school gives effect to the Treaty of Waitangi, by including tikanga, mātauranga, and Te Ao Māori in their plans, taking reasonable steps to teach about tikanga Māori and te reo Māori and achieving equitable outcomes for Māori students.
2023 Annual Report
The annual report is a key accountability document that Boards of Trustees (Boards) are required to prepare to inform and report to stakeholders including the Ministry of Education (the Ministry), Members of Parliament and, most importantly, parents and the wider school community.
The annual report contains the audited financial statements for the year that show how the Board has applied its financial resources to achieve the goals set out in the school charter.
The annual report also contains an analysis of any variance between the planned aims, objectives, directions, priorities, or targets (as set out in the school charter) and what the school has actually achieved during the year. The analysis of variance describes how the school has addressed the Board's priorities for improving student achievement, and how successful the school's approach has been. The analysis of variance should also provide the basis for plans for the coming year.
How to find us
15 Scotsmoor Drive, Wattle Downs
Auckland 2103
Post Office Box: 75 210, Manukau 2243
Auckland, New Zealand
Office – office@reremoana.school.nz
Principal – principal@reremoana.school.nz